Busting Misconceptions about Lymphatic Massages
The use of massage as a therapy to manipulate tissues in the body for better function has been in practice for ages. However, the number of misconceptions surround the process are equally high. Here are some of the myths busted for your benefit:
Misconception #1 - The procedure is painful
It is a common misconception that
lymphatic massages need to hurt to be effective. Since the treatment is based
not only on the area injured or affected but also what would best suit your
condition, the idea of pain may be subjective. While there is discomfort in
instances where there is a soft tissue injury. Speaking to your massage
therapist can help them decide on the right therapy for you.
Misconception #2 - It requires being hooked to tubes
Yes, it is a lymph drainage
therapy. And no, it doesn’t mean that you need a physical outlet to drain the
toxins out. There is absolutely no need for one to be hooked to tubes and in
order to eliminate the toxins out of the body. With the massage aiding in
increased lymphatic flow, the fluids and able to move around the body without
hindrance for natural detoxing.
Misconception #3 - It makes you slimmer
Here’s another misconception that
needs to be busted owing to how people often perceive this treatment. There is
a huge difference between losing fat and losing weight, which makes this option
all the more tricky for those solely on the lookout to find weight loss options.
Lymph drainage massage certainly helps you lose fat from your body but may not
necessarily lead to weight loss. So while this option does work in making you
healthy, it wouldn’t guarantee a slimmer body if that’s your only goal.
Misconception #4 - It has no connection with your medical histories
If you think you needn’t mention
your medical history to your therapist, you certainly have a lot to rethink.
While lymphatic massages are ideally recommended for most patients, it can
backfire in certain cases that do not recommended such massages. It is best to
mention your medical history entirely to the therapist, from surgeries to any
kind of disease or health issues. This can help him or her treat you in a way
that does not interfere with your medical condition and cause further harm.
With these misconceptions busted,
there certainly needs to be no fear surrounding a recommended post surgicallymphatic drainage massage in San Diego with the kind of benefits that the
treatment offers.
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