Important Symptoms Of Lipedema You Must Know About
The abnormal buildup of fats beneath the skin leads to the condition of Lipedema. This chronic condition generally affects the lower part of the body. In most cases, the buttocks, thighs and calves get affected. Women are at a higher risk of getting lipedema as compared to men. In rare cases, lipedema can also affect the arms. However, the occurrence of lipedema can also lead to lymphedema. Unlike other conditions, not much is known about lipedema and its cause. The treatment options for lipedema often focus on a lifestyle change. The best way to control this condition is to control weight gain. The cause of lipedema is not known but medical experts suggest that this condition may be genetic. In this condition, the affected body parts tend to swell because of overgrowth of fat cells. People suffering from lipedema often also suffer from easy bruising and extreme skin tenderness. Consult medical experts for lipedema treatment in San Diego . Here are some important symptoms of lipe...